Archiv für den Monat: September 2017

Today: 25.9.1880, Prof. Dr. Waldemar Koch (1880-1963)

Koch was one of the few industrial engineers in the auditing profession. His personality combined science, economics and technology. He was a chartered accountant with an engineering background, a manager in the electrical industry, a university teacher of business administration and a liberal politician. Koch, a citizen of economics and education, left behind a wide-ranging oeuvre of publications covering economic and business administration, credit economics and technical topics as well as the first overall presentation of the auditing profession after 25 years of its existence. Weiterlesen

Tagung: Kapitalismuskulturen, Washington, Februar 2018

Cultures of Capitalism in Weimar and Nazi Germany

“The conference intends to draw on recent United States literature as well as the long tradition of relevant analysis and critique in Germany in order to ask new questions and stimulate debate on the Weimar and Nazi periods. … Instead, it seems more apt to speak of cultures of capitalism in the plural and discuss overarching trends and possible generalizations on that conceptual basis…. we think that economic and business historians could benefit from greater attention to cultural questions.”

Tagung: Märkte & Staatsbildung, Bamberg, Dez., 2017

Kaufmannbankiers und Herrscherfinanzen. Zwischen Diversifizierung von Märkten und Prozessen der Staatsbildung (14.-18. Jahrhundert).

“Der Perspektive auf Kaufmannbankiers an der Scharnierstelle zwischen Herrscherfinanzen und der Diversifizierung von Märkten kommt für die Analyse der Konstituierung <moderner> Finanzmärkte und deren Zusammenhang mit den <Staatsfinanzen>… erhebliche Bedeutung zu.”