“Our workshop, … will address the relation of businesses and the law from a broader and more subtle perspective. The aim of the workshop is to understand legal change as a change in routines that affected the ways in which businesses and courts interpreted the “rules of the game”. Such a change could manifest itself in written law or lead to a fundamentally different way of interpreting it. In both cases the focus needs to be on economic and legal practices, i.e. on the question what the law meant in its historical context and how it actually affected economic actions.”
Das Thema des Workshops läßt mich an Veränderungen des Corporate Governance-Systems zwischen Gründerkrach 1873 und Weltwirtschaftskrise um 1930 mit den Akteuren: Unternehmen, Banken, Wirtschaftsverbände, Bücherrevisoren, Treuhand-gesellschaften, Wirtschaftsprüfer und Bilanzprüfung denken.
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Ute Pothmann (5. März 2018). Tagung: Business & the Law, Bayreuth, Juni 2018. Abgehört. Abgerufen am 14. November 2024 von https://doi.org/10.58079/ah5y